Orientation: Your Ultimate College Kickstart

If you’re preparing for college, you’re probably experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. You’re thrilled about the college experience but a little nervous about navigating a new campus, tough classes, and living on your own. 

That’s the beauty of new student orientation. It’s your golden ticket to smoothing those first-year jitters and getting comfortable in your new environment. Whether orientation is a must-attend or optional, here’s why we think you should go.

You can get familiar with the campus community.

If you’re heading to a college in an unfamiliar city, you’ll want the inside scoop on getting around, hot campus hangouts, and must-know resources. You’ll learn all this and more at orientation. Exploring the campus ahead of time will also make finding your classes a breeze.

You might find some life-long friends. 

If this is your first time in a completely new place and you’re feeling a little lost, the person standing right next to you at orientation might feel the same way. Orientation is the perfect opportunity to break out of your comfort zone and meet people before classes begin. Wondering where to start the conversation? Ask some simple questions about hometowns and majors. Many lifelong college friendships start that first week!

You can attend events and fairs tailored to YOU.

The events and fairs during orientation week are for you! Campuses go all out to help incoming students connect with the folks behind all types of student organizations. Once you know what’s available on campus, you can decide which ones you’ll join.

You may be able to can register for classes.

At many schools, orientation includes a one-on-one session with an advisor so you can ask questions and register for classes. Prepare your questions. Bring along any AP scores or dual enrollment coursework you completed in high school, and take advantage of this dedicated time just for you. If you wait until after orientation to meet with your advisor, it may be harder to schedule a time because more students are competing for the slots.

You’ll get a dorm sneak peek.

If you go to orientation, you’ll get a sneak peek at your new home away from home. (Where will that mini-fridge go?) Dorm life may evoke mixed emotions, from excitement to nervousness, but some of the best memories will unfold within those walls. Embrace communal bathrooms, coin-operated laundry machines, and living in close quarters with new friends.

You can ask all the questions!

Most orientations last anywhere from a few days to a week. Don’t be shy about asking questions. The more you know before you start, the more you’ll feel comfortable on day one. 

Orientation sets the stage for your college journey. Embrace the excitement, conquer the nerves, and get ready to rock college life!