Career Exploration
Discover 900+ Career Paths & Future Opportunities
Unlock Career Potential for Every Student
With 900+ career paths, students can explore and save careers that match their strengths, interests, and goals. An interactive quiz and filters help them:
- Discover exciting, high-demand careers
- Learn about salaries, job trends, and required skills
- Explore related majors and career pathways
For Educators: With an educator account, you gain real-time insights into each student’s matched and saved careers, helping you provide personalized guidance and prepare them for their future choices.
A Starting Point for Career Exploration
Not sure where to start? The Majors & Careers Quiz helps students identify passions, explore careers, and discover relevant majors.
Their personalized results include salary insights, job growth, and required education, giving them a clear path forward.
For Educators: View students’ quiz results to tailor your guidance, ensuring that every conversation aligns with their aspirations.