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Find the school that fits and supports a dream career. Explore and save schools, and understand critical information like majors, acceptance rates, cost, and outcomes.
Match with Scholarships
Answer simple questions about preferences, priorities, affordability, and other interests, to match with best-fit scholarship opportunities.
Map the Journey, Step-by-Step
Encourage breaks college and career planning into small steps, making the process as easy as possible.
Get Started with Encourage
- Download the FREE app (iOS / Android) OR create an account online.
- Complete your profile, set your preferences, and identify your goals.
- Explore milestones and learn how to take control of your journey.
- Review your instant college and scholarship matches. Explore college majors and 900+ careers.
- Talk to your champions — parents, guardians, mentors, teachers, or school counselors — and ask for their help and support on your college journey.