Should You Consider a GAP Year?

You’ve probably heard about students taking a year off before starting college or even in the middle of their college journey. If you’re curious about a gap year, what it means, its benefits, and how to do it, we’ve got you covered! 

Pros of a Gap Year

A gap year is a period (often a year or two) after high school dedicated to experiential learning. High school is tough, and the academic and social pressures can cause severe burnout. That’s why many high school graduates take a gap year to travel, find paid work, intern, and make connections outside the classroom. A gap year can reset your practical, professional, and personal awareness, helping you gain confidence, become independent, and clarify your college and career goals.

Cons of a Gap Year

Taking a gap year isn’t for everyone. Think about the last time you took a vacation. When you returned from your trip, was your motivation to do homework or clean your room low? Some students fear losing momentum or falling behind. They struggle with the transition back to school. If you choose to move forward with a gap year, go into it with a clear plan and specific goals. If you don’t focus on your goals, you may miss out on the positive advantages of a gap year.

Should You Take a Gap Year?

Don’t take this decision lightly. You are the only person who truly knows the answer to this question. Consider the pros and cons and weigh all your options. A gap year has the potential to be the most amazing adventure of your life. Taking some time off can benefit your mental health and help you discover yourself, your interests, and your passions.

But, as always, go with your gut and remember that no matter which direction you take, Encourage is here to cheer you on and prepare you for your next steps! 

Taking some time off can benefit your mental health and help you discover yourself, your interests, and your passions.