The Catalyst

The Catalyst

College Growth Mindset:

Change the world
Innovative | Creative | Purpose-driven | Sincere

As a Catalyst, you are looking for ways to leave your mark on the world. When you are not thinking of ways to make the world a better place, you are likely daydreaming about future adventures to far-off places. You’re probably looking for colleges with study abroad experiences, community service activities, and service-learning opportunities.

Most likely to

Join Model UN.


Open-minded. Curious. Imaginative. Introspective. Self-aware.

Support Opportunities

Visit the financial aid office and apply for scholarships throughout your college experience. You can continue to find funds well after senior year.

Connect with career services to land internships and co-ops. Get help to find a career that fits your passions.

Sign up for community service and study abroad to get out into the world and inspire your sense of purpose.

  17% of students are Catalysts  

Top Priorities for Choosing a College

  • Look for colleges that help you explore your passions and make a positive impact in the world.
  • Consider colleges with personalized learning experiences like volunteering or study abroad programs.
  • Make sure the college offers majors that match your career goals or helps you figure out your career goals.
  • Think about the environment you want to be in. Do you want to be in a busy city, or a smaller town? Do you want to stay close to home or go farther away?
  • Get a feel for campus life and see if it matches your values and interests. Check out colleges with a diverse student body and a welcoming campus culture.
  • Think about the cost. Review your financial aid package and create a plan for paying for college.
  • Look for colleges with solid career services. Check graduation rates and job placement opportunities.

Want more tips for choosing a college that’s perfect for you? Check out Crushing College Choices: Tips for Picking Your Perfect Match.

Questions You Should Ask on Your College Tour

  • How do I connect with study abroad programs?
  • Do you have classes that mix different subjects together? How have these classes helped other students?
  • How does this school help the community? How can I get involved with volunteering or advocacy work?
  • Can I do my own research or work on a project I design myself? Can you tell me about other students who have done this in the past?
  • What career services are available to students? How can they help me explore my interests and find meaningful work after graduation?

For more campus visit tips, check out our Top 10 Tips for an Epic College Campus Visit: Plus 8 Questions to Ask During Your Tour

Tips for the Best College Experience

  • Find opportunities to explore your passions and develop a sense of purpose.
  • Explore a variety of majors, clubs, and activities that will help you figure out what you like and what you want to do with your life.
  • Look for opportunities to travel and learn, like studying abroad.
  • Research ways you can make a difference and help people through volunteering or social justice.

Questions to Ask Your School Counselor

  • Are there any colleges that focus on community engagement or social justice?
  • Can you provide examples of colleges with a strong focus on studying a variety of interests?
  • What kind of study abroad programs or international opportunities are at different colleges? How can I explore them during my college search?
  • What scholarship deadlines should I keep in mind?
  • What courses do I need to take to be ready for college?
  • Do you have any college planning sessions scheduled?

Remember, your high school counselor can help you navigate the college search process and guide you to a college that's perfect for you! Don't be afraid to ask questions and explore your interests! Need more ideas? Check out 5 Questions to Ask Your Counselor about College.

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